Sarah Lang (Graz) (see the article on the Merian platform>) Alchemical code deciphered! After roughly two years of working on a mysterious alchemical cipher in a shared notebook of father and son, John and Arthur Dee (Sloane MS 1902, Folio 13r 13v 14r, British Library), an international team of researchers has been able to finally […]
Update: Editor of Dyas chymica tripartita

Our website’s article about the alchemical print Dyas chymica tripartita (1625) has been updated with clarifying information about its editor! We would like to thank Carlos Gilly who kindly brought to our attention that the man behind the pseudonym Hermannus Condeesyanus was not Johann Grasse, as we had previously transferred from the VD 17 catalogue, […]
Thanks for the support!
After the first few weeks of the launch of the merian-alchemie website, we are happy about the numerous hits on the dynamic knowledge platform and would like to thank our colleagues and the research community for their support and the many positive reactions! We would also like to thank Carlos Gilly, Oliver Humberg and Rainer […]
The project is online!

We are happy to announce that the virtual exhibition & dynamic knowledge platform is online since May 06: Visitors can enter the theme via the annotated Intro: Alchemische Weltlandschaft or directly explore the virtual exhibition via the seven thematic rooms. In addition to the exhibition, the website also features an extensive bibliography, professional articles, publications (in preparation) […]
Virtueller Public Launch!

Am Donnerstag, 06. Mai, um 12.00 Uhr, gehen wir online. Anmeldung zum Launch per E-Mail.
News: The virtual launch of the website is expected to take place at the end of March / beginning of April 2021. Interested colleagues and students are welcome to register for the public launch by email (contact: /! The processing of the virtual implementation of the contributions and images is progressing well. Through the collaboration with the […]
Please note: The opening of the exhibition has been postponed to the beginning of 2021 (due to corona). News: In the virtual exhibition room VI Material Culture of Alchemy the connection between material or practical and philosophical alchemy will be explained. The most modern digital teaching methods will be used – especially the Digital Story to explain the iconography […]
We are pleased to announce that further (international) contributors and specialists for the project and the ‘knowledge platform’ will be added. These include Sebastian Cöllen (Uppsala), Peter Forshaw (Amsterdam), Sarah Lang (Graz), Ute Frietsch (Wolfenbüttel) and Matthias Ohm (Stuttgart). Leslie Zimmermann, the scientific internet editor in the project, is currently working on the texts for […]
Most of the exhibition texts have now been completed and are being edited by Katja Lehnert and Berit Wagner. The planned date for the publication of the virtual exhibition is October 2020. In addition to contributions by students, there will be individual guest contributions by young scientists and specialists in the field of the connection […]
In an extraordinary economic boom, Frankfurt publishers produced a variety of illustrated alchemical publications within only a few years. It is no coincidence that this production phase coincided with the zenith of alchemical literature in Europe and the search for the philosopher’s stone. Even then, Alchemica Illustrata from Frankfurt stood out from the crowd. To […]