Visita Interiora: ReImagining Allegory in Alchemical Tradition A two-day conference Location: Venice, Palazzo Giustinian Lolin (University of Warwick Venice Centre) Dates: 16-17 June 2025 Organizer: Sergei Zotov Keynote speaker: Jennifer M. Rampling Submission deadline: 15 April 2025 Alchemy is often associated with the imagery of flasks, furnaces, and laboratories. However, the universe of alchemical iconography […]
Autor: Katja Lehnert
Wir freuen uns zu verkünden: Das Merian-Buch mit zahlreichen innovativen Artikeln und mit ausgewählten Beiträgen aus der Wissensplattform ist seit Mai 2024 draußen! 16 internationale Autorinnen und Autoren fokussieren auf Merian und die Bebilderung der Alchemie um 1600. Berit Wagner, Corinna Gannon (Hrsg.) Opus magnum. Matthäus Merian d.Ä. und die Bebilderung der Alchemie unter Mitarbeit […]

We are happy to share a new publication by Ivo Purš and Vladimír Karpenko: Ivo Purš and Vladimír Karpenko, The Alchemical Laboratory in Visual and Written Sources, Academia Publishing, Prague 2023, ISBN 978-80-200-3547-9, 576 pages, 505 colour illustrations Alchemy was an experimental laboratory activity that involved numerous disciplines. It was practised over time and among […]
News from our Project / New articles
We are happy to announce not only one, but two new contributions to our website. Das Einhorn und die Alchemie: Kristofer Schliephake explores the mythical unicorn and its depiction, as well as its meaning in an alchemical context, especially referring to the late medieval emblem book Lambspring. A ferocious beast, a symbol for quicksilver, a […]
Der Sammelband zum internationalen Symposium „Alchemische Labore: Texte, Praktiken und materielle Hinterlassenschaften“ (Februar 2020 in Wien und Oberstockstall) ist Ende 2023 erschienen. Die von Sarah Lang herausgegebene Open Access Publikation widmet sich den frühneuzeitlichen chymischen Laboren und beleuchtet unterschiedliche Aspekte dieser Experimentier-, Forschungs-, und Kommunikationsstätten. Die Beiträge befassen sich unter anderem mit Experimenten als höfischen […]
We are happy to welcome a new addition to our website: In her article Rubens’ Portrait of Paracelsus, Teresa Esposito points out Rubens’ connections to the philosophical aspects of alchemy such as the imitation of nature and the principles of generation, represented in his painting of the famous physician and alchemist Paracelsus. We are also […]
News from our contributors
Donna Bilak and Tara Nummedal were delighted that their co-edited book, Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618) with Scholarly Commentary (Univ. of Virginia Press), was awarded the 2022 Roy Rosenzweig Prize for Innovation in Digital History, sponsored jointly by the American Historical Association and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for […]
New contribution by Rainer Werthmann
A new contribution by Rainer Werthmann was added to the platform. In his article ‘Heinrich Khunraths Philosophischer Athanor, 1599/1603’, Werthmann elaborates on the design for a new type of alchemical furnace, presented, and praised by the physician and alchemist Heinrich Khunrath (c 1560-1605). Read in detail how liquid fuel and an innovative built helped make […]

As we are happy to announce, on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, our project “Matthäus Merian d.Ä. und die Bebilderung der Alchemie um 1600” was awarded the Johann Philipp von Bethmann-Study Prize 2021 by the Frankfurt Historical Commission. During the award ceremony which had originally been planned for the beginning of the year and had to […]
Update: Editor of Dyas chymica tripartita

Our website’s article about the alchemical print Dyas chymica tripartita (1625) has been updated with clarifying information about its editor! We would like to thank Carlos Gilly who kindly brought to our attention that the man behind the pseudonym Hermannus Condeesyanus was not Johann Grasse, as we had previously transferred from the VD 17 catalogue, […]